Saturday, September 12, 2009

Pro-B5 takes a hit

Welcome back Zulu-traders.

One of my favorite providers Pro-B5 took a bit of a hit early this week. After about 3 months trading without more that a 15-pip loss, Pro-B5 took an 85-pip loss on a GBP/JPY trade this past Monday.

This loss hit me twice as hard since I recently updated him to 2 lots. So instead of loosing -85 pips, I lost -174 pips. I can't blame anyone but myself for that one. But undaunted, Pro-B5 got right back on his horse and picked up another 44 pips before the week was out. He may have picked up a bit more, but I had him set to 2 lots with but limited to 1 open trade.

If you've been reading this blog lately, its developed into a bit of a love-fest for Pro-B5. All the blog comments regarding Pro-B5 have been positive with one writer saying Pro-B5 was his "last hope for Zulu." So does this loss tarnish his record in any way? Let's put it into perspective and examine his actual performance in my account over some longer time periods:

-130 pips - This past week
-102 pips - September 1 through today
+ 30 pips - August 1 through today
+139 pips- June 1 through today

This isn't even a fair comparison since i've had him on 1 lot through the summer and just recently upped him to 2 lots. So his gains in July and August were on one-lot, but this recent loss was a 2-lots. Take a look at his public results and find his performance was even better than my actual results above.

So what's the take-away?

We all take hits in life and certainly in trading. The measure of a true winner is someone who can take a hit, then get up, brush themselves off and get back in the game. For Pro-B5, that means slow, methodical recovery of losses. He has shown the ability to do so in the past - and let's hope he keeps it up!

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1 comment:

  1. The best part about Pro-B5 is that ever pip the system makes are “Bankable Pips”. Meaning each and very ‘water mark” high the system makes I can count on those pips to be REAL MONEY. Draw downs are recovered and new highs are made. Also I must stay that I have not had one losing month with the system . This is not said lightly since the system uses almost one lot at a time to trade. Sure the system took a lose but what now the system is right back almost to the same water mark High before the lose, and make back the lose in a very real way, While the other fools and I mean the other 2 top signal providers have had draw down of over 9,038(and I mean THOSANDS) pip in the same week and still are sitting with the floating lose. Now who made money and who can you trust? The answer should hit each of us square in the face.

    Look at LowestDD on Sunday, Sept 13, 2009 he has a Draw Down of over 9,083 pips. Sure we can limit how many lots we allow these fools to open, but there is no trust , simply because their trade records show that they will allow a trade to go beyond 850+ pips PER TARDE in losses and they will still leave the Floating Loss just stay open . Then I can not take all these other trades because my account has suffered a major lose.

    With Pro-B5 I can now trust the system to make back any lose without it going crazy and opening 6+ lots opened at once like so many others, and the system showing it recovered using so many lots opened at the same time, while I am sitting here trading a max of 1 to 2 lots still showing a lose. Pro-B5 use 1 lot maybe 2 and to me this is real trading that any can see and count on making back any loses in a very real trading environment and make real pips to keep. Sure he takes losses but look at how he gets back to the water mark high in fashion and no stupid moves, can any one show me a signal provider on Zulu who does this without opening 10+ lots at once. Stop and think could Pro-B5 not do the same and save himself the trouble of just opening 1 lot at a time? I e-mailed Pro-B5 and asked the same question. The answer

    “A recovery made were the clients account can not with stand opening so many trades and not making the same recovery as an account with unlimited funds (paper money) is not a recovery at all, its just “eye candy” for new subscribers” and I want no part of this.”

    These are Pro-B5 words in the e-mail.

    What has happen to me along with so many other traders these past 2 weeks with LowestDD and Bigwin opening 10+ trades and with LowestDD having made me get a margin call when he went over (9,038 pips negative on Sunday Sept 14.) That I have just given up and we stay with just Pro-B5, and yes I agree with the other poster if Pro-B5 leaves Zulu , Than Zulu a goner and is dead in the water as far as I am concern.

    PS. Do you remember FX Markets, GBP$, Pound Cake, and Haroon Fx? They were all the same trader, funny how we now have ‘The Hunter” with the same damn picture, and same style of trading. same as “the Hunter” and
    They just blow up accounts and move on and we like fools just follow. ‘The Hunter” is doing the same thing he did before. Starting up lots of accounts and not trading one in case he blows up the others like he did when clients lose over 30,668 (Thousnads) pips in 4 weeks . So easy to see the reason why he will not trade on “The Hunter” system. I should know I was one of the traders fooled by the same person until Zulu busted him.

    Same with a system called ‘High rollers’ and called and a system called ‘$” again with the same Pic, very very funny what would be the chances of the same trading style matching the same pic? NONE!!!



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