Friday, September 25, 2009

Bigwin blows up, skips town

Greetings to those of you brave enough to venture into the Zulu-jungle.

My one remaining Zulutrade provider Bigwin blew up this past week sending my account to fresh lows. This time at least the stops worked properly and held at -180 pips per position.

Looking at the chart, Bigwin went long GBP/JPY at 1.47 which was a reasonable support point on the chart and corresponded to the lows set back in July. But instead, GBP/JPY dropped like a stone and closed the week at 143 down a nasty 700 pips on the week.

Looking at Bigwin's overall affect on my account (chart above), he left me up $600 which was more than I ever made on any other provider, even after his recent losses.

What really got me about Bigwin (just when I thought I had seen it all with Zulutrade) is that he vanished off the Zulutrade system! He did the same thing with his other account Forex Bridge. Rather than giving us the macabre satisfaction of showing a spectacular wipeout (anybody remember High Rollers?), he skipped town!

This is reminiscent of the traveling snake-oil salesman who comes into town, sells everyone a bill-of-goods, then leaves just as he is discovered as a fraud and a charlatan.

On a more serious note - this is what the big guys call survivor bias. The accounts that show profit on Zulutrade are still there - and those who fail miserably disappear off the system. This tends to build up the winners and leave the rest to ignore the "graveyard" of hidden evidence we never get to see. Thanks to Nassim Taleb (author the Black Swan) for that one.

This is yet another opportunity for improvement in the Zultrade system - don't let people delete accounts at a whim - leave them around so we can see the full extend of the damage they caused.

One other thing I learned from my experience with Bigwin was that you have to pay close attention to what's going on in the underlying. When he had a drawdown back in early August on the GBP/USD move up to 170, I was on the case enough to cut his loosers and go the other way which helped to minimize the damage. This time I was asleep at the switch and not aware enough to see the major breakdown going on in GBP against all pairs.

The lesson here is that money is made when value is created. And value is created as a result of careful and deliberate effort expended by talented people. No effort expended, no care taken, no value created.

Anyway, tomorrow is another day! Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Hey Tcxmon,

    Thanks for your contribution to the Zulutrade Blogs. Your blog is on my daily list for viewing. I am new to Zulutrade and I have a room on gotomeeting where traders meet and discuss trading..I am wanting to try out zulutrade, but after reading your blog, I am kinda saying to myself, Dont do it...Which provider would you start out with on a small micro account. I appreciate your blog and I will continue to read your updates...Im just wondering about these types of providers you have discussed..thanks Tcxmon...


  2. Jimmy- Thanks for the kind words.

    As you can tell, i've had a pretty spotty experience with Zulutrade. I'm down about 40% on a $10,000 investment from the start of 2009. If Zulutrade was a stock, I would have sold it long ago!

    But there's a lot of interesting things about Zulutrade that make it worth watching. Even though i'm down 40%, I still have faith that some how, some way it will work out.

    If nothing else, ZT is a fascinating online economy. Unfortunately, customers are the bottom of the food chain.

    Cheers and keep the faith.

  3. Hey there tcxmon...I ran across the trader who uses zulutrade. I am attaching the link..Also, If you wish to add you to our trading room, we could use another traders view..Send your email to me at and I will add you to the list..

    Here is that traders link...

  4. Jimmy - Thanks for the link - he seems to be having much better results than me. In fact he's the only person i've seen who has actually made money with Zulutrade. I'll add this to my reading list.


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