He scalped me a few pips on Tuesday and all was well in Zulu-land.
I went back and checked subscribed counts and Probability Based Wave-5 has only 38 subscribed users, while Pro-B5 has almost 300 subscribed users! Naturally being drawn to the account where he's going to make 10 times the profits, he migrated his aggressive strategy over to this supposedly conservative account! Goes to show you what a minefield picking providers can be!
Lesson learned is that this provider is too risky for me. I want to have open a most 2 lots per provider with a 150-pip stops so Pro-B5 is not for me. I removed him on Thursday. He did make a few other winning trades, but overall this provider cost my account -80 pips.
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sounds more like your looking for the holy grail, I too I have used Pro-B5, but I got killed with High Rollers this week simply beacuse he open just too many trades. Whats funny how Zulu ranks the Top 10 system and yet the draw down have been much much more than Pro-B5, and ever since they allowed the 1000 pip stop all of them seem to use it, Do you really think the ystem PipedFX that was in first place really belong there? He was the biggest joke now he is in like number 2011 WOWZA. Over all I will stay with Pro-B5 and I am stsrting to look at also the system caleed "onlysunnydays1@aol.com"anyone who put his/her e-mail in public is got to be very good or nuts and looking at the stats and the write up on the page so far it fits what the system is doing, Will add them next week.