Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pro-B5 - promises and delivers

Zulutrade provider Pro-B5 has been bringing home the pips since I added him as a provider back in early June. Even more impressive is the fact that he hasn't had a single loosing trade, and the largest drawdown I saw over the period was 50 pips! Since adding him back on 6/3/2009, he has netted me 138 pips with a single 10K lot allocated and a 500-pip stop which fortunately, he has come nowhere close to hitting.

Recall that I had some earlier mis-adventures with this provider under the name Probability Based Wave-5 - which has since disappeared off the Zulutrade system. See my blog archive for Feb 2009 for the gory details.

Since then he has changed his spots considerably and you can see that from his profile page. On his profile, he exposes the performance fallacy that often sinks aspiring Zulu-traders. Many providers open 15-20 lots at a time and "paint the tape" with successful trades - knowing full well that the Zulutrade performance history screen shows only 10-trades at a time. Paint that window with all green-pips and making money with ZT looks like a cinch! In reality, most accounts can open a most just 1 or 2 lots, so the performance numbers are greatly overstated. He avoids the pitfall that so many other providers fall into - since they get paid per trade - they tend to put on tons of trades and try to run up the score. But they eventually they come crashing back and often take their gains with them. No so with Pro-B5 who has so far stayed true to his low-risk, one-trade-at-a-time mantra.

As an additional bonus, Pro-B5 posts on Twitter at and via yahoo mail at for live subscribers. This helps to lift the veil of mystery around him as provider. Anything Zulu-trade can do to de-mystify there operations is welcome, become sometimes I get the impression that the whole outfit is run out of a closet in a former Soviet republic.

The only caveat with Pro-B5 is that he sometimes goes days without making a trade and us Zulu customers like to see more of a daily effort, even if its just one or 2 trades. That said Pro-B5 is a winner and i'm sticking with him as a provider!

Open a free Zulu-trade account at

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